Texas : Early voting by mail. In Texas you may vote early by mail if you are: going to be away from your county on Election day, sick or disabled, 65 years of age or older on Election day or confined in jail. In this process scams designed to manipulate the voting process by gaining access to mail-in ballots could become a problem in Texas if voters are not well-informed. They should not allow someone to mail their ballot that they do not know.
Florida 2000: The “butterfly ballot” which involved many voters having difficulties with the paper based punch card voting machines and they were either unable to understand the required process for voting or unable to perform the process. As a result, there was an unusual amount of over votes and under votes. Broward County Florida misplaced 103,222 votes. New Hampshire: Diebold Voting Machines failures occurred, hand counts began, memory cards were missing and there were machine failures. California: This state has moved the primary into the month of March which involved redistricting and it was also believed that an earlier election would make California more important in the process of electing the President. New Hampshire 2008: There were counting mishaps in this state. Optical machine scanner counted Clinton as the winner and the hand counts counted Obama as the winner, by the exact same margin, proving that the machines were switching the votes.
Updated: Sunday, 29 June 2008 8:37 PM EDT
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